Rain Addict_7 :An indescribable feeling 首页

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   7 :An indescribable feeling (第1/7页)

    The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the opulent garden of the Han family mansion. Lanterns swayed gently in the breeze, casting flickering shadows on the ground. The air was filled with the fragrant scent of blooming jasmine, mingling with the distant strains of a pipa being played by a skilled musician. The grand banquet hosted by the Han family was in full swing, and the courtyard was filled with the chatter and laughter of the elite of the city.

    Sukie, dressed in an exquisite silk gown that shimmered in the moonlight, stood by a cherry blossom tree. Her heart was a storm of emotions. She watched as guests milled about, her eyes occasionally drifting to her brother, Han Fengling. He was talking to a group of men, his expression calm and composed, but every so often, his eyes would seek her out, filled with an unspoken emotion.

    As the evening wore on, Sukie found herself increasingly aware of Han Fengling,s presence. She could feel his gaze on her, even when she wasn,t looking directly at him. Their interactions, subtle and laden with meaning, had not gone unnoticed by the other guests. Murmurs and whispers followed them wherever they went, but Sukie paid them no mind. Her heart was too full, too conflicted.

    "Miss Han, you look exquisite tonight," a familiar, icy voice interrupted her thoughts. Sukie turned to find herself face-to-face with Xie Tianxie, the powerful and malevolent boss of the region. His eyes were dark and intense, a predatory smile playing on his lips.

    Sukie forced a polite smile. "Thank you, Lord Xie. Your presence graces our humble banquet."

    Xie Tianxie stepped closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "I,ve been watching you all evening, Miss Han. You are truly the most beautiful flower in this garden. It would be a shame if such a flower were to wither away in the care of someone unworthy."

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