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日Party,但是发给他的一千五百块钱里要有一个子儿解释不清楚,他可能就会被雷劈这个和谐而又温馨的事实呢?” 张仲文愁眉不展地开始了流浪寻觅。 二狗不在韦陀宫的24小时服务的食堂里,即便现在六点钟晚上家里又吃火锅这里也是重点关注的对象。 虽然张仲文很想进公众淋浴间里看看,但是二狗一星期前才洗过澡,所以这个危险的调查也没有必要。 二狗不在图书室里,这里没有人,也没有图书。 二狗也不在走廊后面的小黑屋里,他手头上的客人目前都在住院。 二狗不在男厕所里, Sorry I don’t have any paper on me. 二狗也不在女厕所里,Nice color by the way. “We got a gym. Did you check there out?”周济之端着一个非常漂亮的颅骨站在办公室门口对张仲文说。 “Where? I don’t smell such thing.” “Oh, Since we got female employees now, they built a wall to block the sight. It is quite covert anyhow.” “Why?” “You know, walls are cheaper than new air dition system, and people who works out iend to be topless half-naked because of the moist heat and the showing off masity.” “Oh……I mean what that dumbass go to gym for? Does he have the B-3 Welfare?” “Is that dumbass Clyde?” “Who?” “You boyfriend harassed me for a fancy but not too pussy English name and this is his final choice. Do you have idea why the initial has to be a C?” “No. but Dr charming, Does this Clyde guy go to gym all the time?” “I think it starts after Ryan’s betrothal party. Now he stops eating lund spends at least 2 hours in keeping his brisket firm and fresh. And I have to say, good job, Kyle.” “What for?