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   纽约客(4)可名非名(Whats in a name) (第6/6页)

ipline with “science” in its name isn’t real science.’”(至于名字里带‘science’的学科……基本上都不算真正的科学),他重复了一遍她早先的话,一边笑容很温和地望向她,一边踏上台阶,“So, enlighten me, what is real science, then?”(那么,请告诉我,什么是真正的科学呢?)



    “Well, real science is first of all…falsifiable, replicable…”(唔,真正的科学首先得……可证伪,可重复……)

    “So is computer science, and so is actuary.”(但计算机如此,精算也是啊。)

    “But they both deal with artificial systems, not natural phenomena or empirical observations. We don’t adhere strictly to the scientific method—hypothesis formation, experimental testing, falsification. Our goal isn’t to uncover fundamental truths about the natural world. Computer science is closer to applied logic and engineering, while actuarial science is essentially statistical modeling and risk assessment.”(但它们研究的都是人为构建的系统,而不是自然现象或经验观察。我们并不严格遵循科学方法——假设形成、实验测试、证伪。我们的目标也不是揭示关于自然世界的基本真理。计算机科学更接近应用逻辑和工程,而精算学本质上是统计建模和风险评估。)

    二人抵达楼梯顶端,男人打开一扇厚重的红木门,做了个请的手势,“And politics? If political science isn’t the study of social phenomena, what is it?”(那政治呢?如果政治学不能算是研究社会现象的科学,那它又是什么?)

    柰认真想了想,“Politics is…well…the art of power—who holds it, who wants it, and how far they’re willing to go to get it.”(政治是……权术——谁握有它,谁想要它,利益的分配……)

    Fairchild低低地笑,是被取悦了的意味,“You know, Nelle, you are a very, very interesting person.”(你知道吗,柰儿,你是个非常,非常有趣的人。)


    她心中一慌,“I…uh…Thank you for the…tour, sir, but I…I should go.”(我……呃……谢谢您,先生……但我……我该走了。)

    Fairchild站在书桌旁,微微偏头笑望着她,“Wouldn’t you like to see the terms of your contract?”(你就不想看看你的合同条款吗?)


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